How Professional Website Design Can Boost Your Atlanta Small Business

How Professional Website Design Can Boost Your Atlanta Small Business

With the ever-growing popularity of DIY everything, it can be tempting to think of web design as something most anyone could do. Website builders like Wix and Squarespace promise to get you up and running “in minutes” for just a few dollars a month, so it can’t be that serious, right?

The truth is that bad or amateur design can turn off prospective customers, deter sales, and damage your business’s reputation. Your website has fewer than three seconds to capture a visitor’s attention and persuade them to stay and look around.

If you’re an Atlanta small business owner thinking of hiring a professional web designer, keep reading.

First Impressions Are Everything

In 2021, there’s no question: your website is your small business’s calling card. It tells prospective customers what they can expect – not just from the business, but from you. Is the site well designed and user-friendly? Is it updated often? Is the layout consistent and easy to navigate? More importantly, does it make the customer feel goodComputer and keyboard on desk showing example of modern website design about doing business with you?

A business website should promote trust and encourage the customer to stay. Entrusting the design of your website to your teenage nephew or a DIY builder means putting your business’s online image and performance at serious risk.

Digital Marketing is Here to Stay

For small businesses, digital marketing has far outpaced traditional marketing thanks to its relative affordability and easy-to-measure effectiveness. But even the best online ad campaign won’t perform optimally unless a user’s click leads to a website or landing page that makes an excellent first impression (see above).

Man holding tablet with digital marketing symbols aboveThink you’ll never run online ads? That makes your website design even more crucial, since it means fewer opportunities (just one, in fact) for conversion. A powerful, functional, beautiful website built with your ideal customer in mind is the best and most important online investment you can make for your small business.

Better Design = More Conversions

A staggering 96 percent of website visitors are not ready to buy – yet. In most cases, they’re visiting multiple sites to gather information and determine the best option for their circumstances. That’s why it’s absolutely critical to capture their attention with a sleek, easy-to-use, fast-loading website: with a memorable design and a positive user experience, your website can much more easily turn “just looking” into “just bought.”Women and men in business attire crouching down to race in an office

Your Competitors Are Already Doing It

For every small business owner who thinks word of mouth and a Facebook page are sufficient, there’s another who understands and effectively leverages the power of a well-built website. It’s simply not enough to be “the best” in your industry if your website doesn’t match. A low-quality website will drive customers – and sales – to your competitors.

If you’re ready to turn your small business website into a powerful digital marketing tool, get in touch! We’d love to work with you to create a website you can be proud of.

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